NRF(National Research Foundation of Korea)

News & Notices
[Call for Proposal] Brain Pool Fellowship Program for outstanding overseas researchers 2023
Writer 우세랑
Date 2023-01-31 16:58:42.0
Hit 14659


Announcement of Brain Pool Fellowship Program

    For outstanding overseas researchers 2023

The MSIT (Ministry of Science and ICT) and NRF (National Research Foundation of Korea) welcome applications from host researchers in South Korea who wish to invite outstanding scientists to join the Brain Pool(BP) Program. This program is designed to invite overseas outstanding scientists to domestic research institutions in Korea, required by domestic industry, academia and research sites, for the enhancement of research competence through joint research in R&D fields in Korea, in which he or she produces high level of R&D performance and to contribute to the internationalization of the domestic research environment, securing new growth engines, nurturing new researchers and establishing a global network. Interested applicants are requested to file 2023 BP application in accordance with the relevant procedures.


December 5th, 2022


Lee Jong Ho 

Minister, Ministry of Science and ICT


Lee, Kwang-bok 

President, National Research Foundation of Korea

1. Goals

 - To enhance the R&D level of Korea by attracting outstanding overseas scientists through various joint research activities in R&D fields in Korea and to establish long-term international cooperation networks 


 2. Outline

 A. Research Fields: All fields in science and technology

[12 National Strategic Technology Fields]

① Semiconductor and display ② Secondary cells ③ Leading-edge mobility ④ Next Generation nuclear energy ⑤ Leading edge bio ⑥ Aerospace and marine ⑦ Hydrogen ⑧ Cybersecurity ⑨ AI ⑩ Next generation communications ⑪ Leading-edge robotics and manufacture ⑫ Quantum

 ※ Preference fields: 12 National Strategic Technology Fields

 B. Eligibility of Brain Pool Candidates(BP fellow)

 ① Ph.D. holders who is living overseas(outside of Korea)

 ② In case of corporate and corporate-affiliated research institute being the host organization, scientist with five-year or more of on-site R&D experience overseas(outside of Korea) regardless of his/her possession of a doctoral degree

 C. Research Period: (Type 1: short-term research) 6-12 months, (Type 2: long-term research) Max. years*


Research Type

Research Period


Type 1



6~12 months

3~12months possible for corporate and corporate-affiliated research institute

Type 2



Max. years


Flexible Research Duration

6~12 months within 3 years


For more details, please find the attached file. 

Thank you for your attention.