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A novel high-performance dough-type electrolyte for Zn-air battery absorbing water in the air
Writer 고홍숙
Date 2023-07-21 11:29:25.0
Hit 158

Flexible and rechargeable Zn–air batteries are promising candidates for attaining the high energy density required for next-generation energy storage devices. However, the poor interfacial contact between the immobilized solid-state electrolyte and porous cathode, and drying-out of water in the electrolyte at harsh conditions as low relative humidity (RH), caused low performance and short lifespan.

 Advanced Institute of Convergence Technology (AICT) and Kyonggi University developed a novel dough-type electrolyte to overcome and solve these chronic problems. The study was published in the journal Advanced Energy Mateirals in April.

 The researchers found that the optimized mixture of KOH and sodium alginate (SA) fabricated by facile kneading had malleability and deliquescence, the property of absorbing water from the atmosphere. It inhibits evaporation at low RH and lowers the interfacial resistance with the cathode via tight adhesion. The dough-type ZABs show noteworthy performance and durability even at harsh conditions as RH 30% and low temperature of −20 °C.

 Prof. Park said that “This research is about developing a dough-type solid electrolyte that gave the solutions to the chronic problems as drying-out and electrode-interface resistance of solid electrolyte-based zinc-air batteries.”

Deliquescence of KOH-sodium alginate (SA), and performacne of dough-type electrolyte-based Zn-air battery in low-humidity and low-temperature environments.

[Reference] Ok Sung Jeon et al., (2023) “Hygroscopic and malleable dough-type Zn-air battery in a dry condition utilizing deliquescence” Advaned Energy Materials


[Main Author] Ok Sung Jeon (Advanced Institute of Convergence Technology), Young Joon Yoo (Advanced Institute of Convergence Technology), Sang Yoon Park (Kyonggi University)

* Contact email : Professor Sang Yoon Park (