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Novel photocatalysts for generating Green H2 under visible light irradiation
Writer 김지애
Date 2022-09-20 10:56:39.0
Hit 178


Novel photocatalysts for generating Green H2 under visible light irradiation


The development of efficient and eco-friendly photocatalysts, which can generate green H2 using visible light, has been a great challenge. Korean researchers at Inha University report a novel, facile, and eco-friendly H2O-assisted method to produce metal-free C3N4 (carbon nitride) materials showing excellent photocatalytic properties for hydrogen evolution reactions (HERs). The study appears in the Applied Catalysis B: Environmental (IF: 19.503) in March. 


The research team developed a carbon nitride-based photocatalyst with reduced hydrogen bonding and improved electron mobility by using an eco-friendly method of adding water and water vapor during the production of carbon nitride material. 


The developed photocatalysts exhibited about 12 times better hydrogen production photocatalyst performance than the existing carbon nitride photocatalyst made without water, and showed high stability and durability. The research team revealed the effect of H bonds at the molecular level from comprehensive study of relationship between chemical structures and photophysical properties. 


Prof. Park said that “We developed new photocatalysts and provided clear understanding.” “Additional studies such as maximizing catalyst performance, developing a method for mass production of high-efficiency catalysts, and verifying low toxicity and eco-friendliness of catalyst materials are needed for commercialization of green hydrogen production in the future.”, Prof. Park said.


원본 그림의 이름: image1.png

원본 그림의 크기: 가로 1490pixel, 세로 749pixel

Schematic diagram for production of C3N4 photocatalysts using water-treatment 

[Reference] Jang et. al. (2022), Water-assisted formation of amine-bridged polymeric carbon nitride: A structural insight into the photocatalytic performance for H2 evolution under visible light, Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 310, 121313



[Main Author] Dawoon Jang(Inha University), Jeongho Kim(Inha University), Sungjin Park(Inha University)

* Contact : Prof. Sungjin Park (